Promotional Cooler Bags

What Are Cooler Bags?

Cooler bags are highly functional bags designed for flexibility, strength and the ability to keep foods and drinks cool. A cooler bag is an ideal alternative to a more rigid plastic ice box or container. Both use plastic cooling blocks and rely on the principle of evaporative cooling to keep them contains cool.

Printed cooler bags branded with your logo provide an idea way to advertise and promote your organisation. They can be used for a wide variety of purposes including indoor and outdoor events, camping, picnics, cycle trips, garden BBQs and time at the beach.

How Do The Bags Keep Items Inside Cool?

Evaporative cooling has been around to cool environments for many years and some of the earliest uses include ice blocks stored in towers to keep food cool in medieval castles and later large buildings in towns and cities.

Cooling towers and ice stores were ideal for buildings they are not portable. The pre-runners to today’s cooler bags including ice chests and plastic cooler boxes. Ice chests were typically made from an outer layer of galvanized metal sheets with thick Styrofoam inserts to provide a protective insulation barrier. The rigid metal case help to protect the more brittle and easily damaged Styrofoam inserts. Ice blocks were placed inside to keep the content cool.

Plastic ice boxes of the type often seen in 1980s Pepsi and Coca-Cola adverts provided a more portable solution and one that relied on the same operating principles. Though lighter, these more portable cooling boxes had some disadvantages including their weight for carrying and their size for storage when not in use.

Today’s cooler bags solve these issues as they tend to be lighter, foldable designs made from polyester materials, sometimes with an internal heavy-duty metal foil and thin walls. that can be easily stored when not in use. The cooler bags use an internal insulating layer and cooling blocks that must be cooled or frozen prior to usage.

These cooler bags also come in a wide variety of sizes and colours, making them ideal for a wider variety of promotional campaigns and offer a several branding options. At Redbows our cooler bag range includes sizes suitable for large picnics and corporate events to small lunchtime cooler bags ideal for school children. The bags can be used for foods and drinks and can include separate pockets or sectioned off areas for bottles and canned drinks.

How to Choose A Cooler For Your Campaign

The range offered at Redbows is extensive. Here are a few pointers to help you choose:

  • Format: think about who the cooler bag is to be used by and go for an eye-catching design that will appeal to them. Think about the overall size and handles, pockets, zips, and cover flaps.
  • Colours: being made from polyester the colour choice is extensive. Standard and vibrant colours are available and if you cannot find the right colour choice we may be able to source one from our supply chain or offer a custom/bespoke cooler bag design.
  • Size: this is important in terms of the amount of food and drinks to be carried. Pockets are available in smaller cooler bags for a single can or water bottle but if you are looking to only transport drinks or bottles look for sizes from 6 to 12 to 18 or more.
  • Durability: polyester strength is measured in terms of Denier or ‘D’. Now for the science bit. Denier is a unit of measure for the linear mass density of a material which is calculated by the mass in grams of a single 9,000m strand. Denier is useful when comparing the strength of products using the same material. Cooler bags made from Polyester have a D figure and a figure of 600 will be stronger and potentially more durable than a 300D one.

There may more factors for you to consider relevant to your marketing campaign. We are just a phone call away on 0800 158 3080 if you need more information or advice and can help you select the right promotional cooler bag and branding options for your budget.